
Anthony Steinbock, Moral Emotions : reclaiming the evidence of the heart 발췌

바보바보 2023. 11. 16. 10:29

Anthony Steinbock, Moral Emotions : reclaiming the evidence of the heart, Northwestern University Press, 2014 발췌.

"Even if it is just "myself" who made the promise or resolution (to myself), in order to experience guilt, I have to be more than myself, other than myself. For if I were reduced simply to myself in a simple identity, and if the norm or demand did not issue from myself as somehow more than this, I could simply change any rule, any commitment with no consequence. [...] in order for guilt to be operative, something more has to be in play, and this is the violation of a "demand" that issues from another and to whom I am responsive."(114, 볼드처리는 필자)